Risk of myocardial infarction and sport

A heart attack is the necrosis or death of the cells of an organ, or part of it, due to a lack of blood supply. Although a heart attack can occur in any organ, we commonly call acute myocardial infarction, which is the heart muscle, a heart attack. The lack of...

Effectiveness of a low-fat diet

A low-fat diet is one in which the total fat intake is below 20% of the daily caloric intake, although the WHO considers a fat intake of up to 30% as healthy. In addition, experts recommend reducing the intake of saturated fats, such as pork fat, butter, milk fat,...

Frequency of sport practice

By training frequency, we mean the number of sports sessions performed, or the number of times a specific muscle group is exercised, during a given period of time, (usually, a whole week). But, leaving aside technical definitions, we can say that frequency in sport is...

Triglyceride levels and the Mediterranean Diet

Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body. They come from foods such as butter, some oils, and other fats. However, they can also come from the calories we eat through any other type of food, but that the body does not use and stores in fat cells...
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