Muscle power measures the maximum amount of force that can be exerted in a specific and limited period of time. It is therefore a physical capacity that incorporates elements related to strength, but also to speed and even muscle coordination.
Maximum force production occurs when the speed of movement is very low. For example, when performing a single repetition with maximum load, or while performing static or isometric exercises. On the other hand, when the speed of movement increases, the force necessarily decreases, meaning that at a very high speed the production of force is very low. Between these two limits there is an optimum point in the development of power.
This relationship between strength and speed, and its effect on power, explains why an athlete can be very strong but at the same time have a significant lack of power if he is unable to apply a high percentage of his strength in a short period of time.
Although it is a value that can be improved with training, it is estimated that power is inherited by up to 80% depending on the specific muscle analyzed.
CrossDNA analyzes several different genes (IGF2BP2, AGT, ACE, VEGFA or NOS3) which have been associated in different studies with the genetic predisposition of individuals to have high muscle power and therefore a high potential performance in sports in which the use of this physical quality is essential, such as football, basketball, tennis, weightlifting, or anyone including sprinting, jumping or throwing.